
Showing posts from October, 2014

pattern daydream . . .

It's been too long since I've made a pattern... I almost needed to make one... and not a rainy October kind either. I get enough of that looking out the window. Mid July... and sunny:).

daydreams . . .

Most of my daydreaming happens at night... I consider it most productive and necessary:).

hooray for audiobooks! . . .

I'm listening to the Inheritance Cycle (audio books) while I work (being the giant nerd that I am) , and this is my depiction of Angela & Solembum .

Off to See the Wizard . . .

It has been such a long while since I've blogged... I've started to forget how much fun it is to share work with you. All I've been huffing and puffing over in the past few weeks isn't ready for the show & tell... and it might be a long time until I can blog about it. There's still a lot to do, but I had to stop everything today and do a personal piece... if only to remember that I can. Hope you like it:).