
Showing posts from May, 2014

New York . . . my impression . . .

As I was sitting in a soup of frustrated and disappointed people ( also known as LaGuardia Airport )... trying to find a silver lining to the endless delays of my flight home - I remembered that I brought my laptop ( to whom I lovingly refer to as Silvester - due to his colour and stature ). I took it out, put it on my lap... plugged in the mouse and proceeded to execute my New York experience in vector... while sitting on a black pleather LGA chair. A 7 year old boy named Archie ( who has been driving his poor mother up the airport wall... and whom I've lent my iPad in the hope of focusing his energy on something else ) was sitting beside me and commentating on his every game move. I was more than entertained. Me and Archie put in a few hours of work ... side by side. The result of my efforts are now a print ( see above ).

hedgehogs & foxes vs geese & rabbits . . .

What have I learned at Surtex this year, you ask... well, everyone is bananas over foxes & hedgehogs. I'm bananas over geese & rabbits... but I'm a girl in search of the ultimate equilibrium... thus - ta da! they all gather together in this pattern and enjoy a blooming field on a warm summer's day.

Hello NY ! . . .

All packed and ready to go. Let's see what surtex has in store for me this year. See you on Sunday or see you here in a week:).

Summertime Gang . . .

With the warmer weather the gang of children that usually hangs around my front yard (3 of mine & 7 or so others) has come back into full time operation last weekend. I was watercolouring while their voices were drifting up into my open window... letting these snotty little bastards inspire my work. I just love the cheer the good weather brings to the neighbourhood.

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Here's to it all being worth it! Here's to insanity of trying to have it all!

sweet anticipation . . .

As always, before a trip to New York... my cup is full of anticipation and excitement. I love this fluttering feeling of 'things to come' in my gut:). 

nature & magic . . .

I would love to spend a day in one of Hayao Miyazaki's movies... walking with forest spirits or chasing Totoros. This print is a bit of a tribute to that lovely mix of all things nature and magic.

psikhouvanjou nesting dolls . . .

It is surreal to see your designs take form in three dimensions!  The flat (vector) Goldielocks has gone into the woods to visit some friends... and acquired some serious curves along the way :). Check out these nesting dolls here .